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Luke 6:26- 36

I want to express something that we have all dealt with or are dealing with now. I want to talk about toxic people. They come in all shapes and forms as they know no boundaries. Realize that until you stop allowing a toxic person to hurt you and your life, they will continue to do so for their pleasure. The most important thing to remember is that you have the power to stop a toxic person. You do this by controlling your own actions and reactions to others behavior towards you.

Love the Hell out of them but Guard your Heart ♥

Though you cannot control others, but the good thing is you can control yourself and your life. You have the power to walk away from a toxic person and not allow them to hurt you anymore. Love them with the heart of God still but keeping a distance until you seek God. I love myself enough to no longer tolerate superficial game-playing, and believe that I’m making room in my life for happier, healthier friendships. I have a lot to offer and life is too short for head games and unnecessary drama. There is a work to do and we must not be distracted. Always keeping our eyes on God is critical!

Having the self-respect to end a relationship that becomes demeaning to you is very empowering and spiritually healthy.When a person intentionally tries to harm you then step away from them and pray for them. It seems so hard to do sometimes but it is possible.  I have found others blaming me for being happy with my life created by God. Mistreating me because of my TAGS (talents, abilities, gifts, and skills) or just because they are in a bad situation. It is not Godly at all. I know my self-worth because I am a child of a King! Glory to God. 

Continue to love them with the heart of God, because if you love them with flesh they will poison you!

A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥